Choosing the Right Home Insurance for your Needs

by | Mar 15, 2013 | Insurance

Whether you rent or are a homeowner, there is a home insurance policy to suit your needs, but it can sometimes be a minefield trying to find the perfect policy without paying too much! The type of policy you need depends on whether you rent or own your own home, and the value of your property.

Renters Insurance

For renters home Insurance in Austin TX is easy to find online, with so many providers offering policies to protect your home that it can be hard to know where to start. A good starting point is price – nobody wants to pay more for renters insurance than they have to, after all, if you’re renting a property the chances are you are trying to save for a mortgage. Rental insurance can be found for less than a dollar a day, but make sure you select a reliable and genuine insurance provider.

Why do I need Renters Insurance?

Your landlord’s insurance will only cover the building you live in, it won’t provide cover for all your precious possessions in case of break-in or damage due to flood or fire. When you consider the value of all your belongings, it can really add up. Your iPad, computer, TV, PlayStation, musical instruments, gadgets such as MP3 players or cameras, not to mention your clothes, shoes and other household possessions all add up to thousands of dollars, so don’t ever underestimate how much your stuff is worth; the chances are you could not afford to replace it in the event it is stolen or damaged! Bear in mind that selecting a higher deductible for your insurance will lower your premium, but means that in the event of a claim, you will pay more (a deductible is the amount of the claim you are liable to pay for yourself).

Homeowners Insurance

If you’ve just bought your first home, congratulations on being a homeowner! Whilst you’re probably breaking the bank with mortgage costs and other bills, you need to have home insurance in place to protect your investment. Homeowners insurance will cover your building and contents in case of damage by a storm (lightning, wind, flooding and so forth), break-ins and theft and frozen pipes – this can be all too common in the winter months. It’s important that you take a home inventory no matter what type of home insurance you have – in the event of a claim you will need to list all your possessions and prove ownership and the value of each item. A home inventory can help you to do this in a logical and organized way that is easy for insurance companies to understand.

Whether you own your own home or live in rented accommodation, it makes sense to cover yourself by being fully insured in the event of loss or damage to your property. The unexpected can happen at any moment, and a monthly premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind in the future.

State Farm is the nation’s leading insurance provider, founded in 1922 in Illinois. With its reputation as an honest, fair company, State Farm offer auto, home, business and health Insurance as well as mutual funds and banking services. For Home Insurance Austin TX they are a reliable and affordable choice.

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