A Review Of Sleep Apnea In Cedar City, UT

by | May 2, 2017 | Dentures

In Utah, dental patients can acquire assistance with a variety of hindrances that affect their lives negatively. These hindrances can lead to serious issues such as sleep-based problems. Among these possible hindrances is sleep apnea. The following is a review of Sleep Apnea Cedar City UT.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the volume of air that reaches the lungs while the patient is sleeping. The patient may begin snoring excessively when the condition develops. They snore due to the body’s attempts to regain adequate oxygen levels. Additionally, the patient will experience several sleep disturbances each night and awaken feeling exhausted. Some patients may experience further and far more complex symptoms that may have a damaging effect on their health.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is caused by the position of the jaw or due to a deviated septum. The positioning of the jaw could be related to an over or underbite. It could also be based on an injury that didn’t heal appropriately. A deviated septum can occur as a result of an injury to the nasal septum after which the passageway is narrowed and won’t allow adequate oxygen to be inhaled.

How is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Sleep apnea is treated according to the reason for the condition. If the position of the jaw is the culprit, the dentist can provide oral surgery to correct the jaw-related issue. They can also provide an appliance similar to a mouthguard that forces the jaw into proper position. With a deviated septum, the patient must undergo nasal surgery. In some cases, the patient may receive a C-Pap machine.

What To Expect After Treatment

Once treated, the patient can achieve regular sleep patterns. They will acquire enough rest and won’t awaken feeling as if they haven’t slept. They will adjust to this new found relief quickly.

In Utah, dental patients visit their preferred dentist to acquire relief from conditions such as sleep apnea. This condition can have a devastating effect on the patient’s health. It can also prevent them from acquiring adequate rest each night.

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