Charged with a Violent Crime? Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Los Angeles

People arrested and charged with committing violent crimes need a very competent and aggressive defense. They need to seek out a criminal defense attorney of Los Angeles as soon as they are arrested and charged. Police are skilled interrogators. They will keep a person awake for long hours, intimidate them, even prevent them from using the bathroom. This all stops when the defendant demands a lawyer. The lawyer will protect their rights. Police will treat someone very differently when their lawyer is present.

The earlier a lawyer is brought into the case the better. That’s why most criminal lawyers have 24-hour hotlines that arrested people can call. Lawyers have their own investigators and it’s easier for them to find and question witnesses soon after the crime was committed. It’s also good to have a lawyer present at each hearing. Even a quick bail hearing can go more smoothly if a lawyer is present. They will know how to get the lowest possible bail amount for their client.

Many defense attorneys started out by working in a District Attorney’s office. Therefore they know how the police investigators work. They know all of their strategies and can hire investigators to counter the evidence. Everything in life can be evaluated in many ways. A defendant’s alibi may be that they were home with their wife. Although that’s typical for most people late at night, the police may not believe the wife. A defense attorney will know how to use cell phone records, computer surfing history and other electronic evidence to bolster a defendant’s credibility. Perhaps they did walk to the corner store to purchase some diapers. Hopefully that store has a camera to verify the action. A private investigator working for the defense can unearth facts, that the police don’t consider important.

Once all of the pre-trial evidence has been evaluated the Criminal defense attorney of Khalaf & Khalaf in Los Angeles practice may be able to convince a judge that there isn’t enough evidence to proceed to trial. They might be able to convince the District Attorney to reduce the charges. A reduced charge can dramatically reduce the jail time that a convicted person has to serve. So even a guilty person should make certain that they are charged fairly.