Considering a Root Canal in Scottsdale? Here are Some Facts You Should Know

by | Jan 6, 2014 | Dentistry

A root canal may be the only chance to save your tooth, in some cases. Endodontics is also known as root canal therapy. It is a fairly common procedure, but it is one that can save your tooth from extraction. A Root Canal in Scottsdale is performed when the nerve and blood vessels inside the tooth is injured or infected. For this, the ducts of the tooth are cleaned and then a liquid disinfectant is put inside the tooth, to clean it, practically disinfecting it.

This type of treatment will carefully remove the pulp nerve and vessels inside the tooth, which are inflamed and infected. These two things is what causes your pain. Cleaning and disinfecting tooth ducts with liquid disinfectants, then sealing or filling the ducts with a special material is how dentists take care of the problem. To perform this procedure, anesthesia is used locally. After treatment, the tooth has to be restored, in order to continue to play its role and leave you with a good appearance. This restoration is done via a crown, in most cases.

Root canals are hollow channels, ranging from the central chamber to the bottom of your tooth roots. Endodontic root canal treatments, although endodontists and others in the field of dentistry refer to it as root canal surgery, is a great way to clean infection out and save a tooth in the process. It is important to visit a dentist who specializes in endodontics when symptoms of a new problem arises concerning your teeth. When dental pain is experienced, especially deep in the tooth, the dentist may determine that is necessary to perform a Root Canal in Scottsdale.

First, they will take x-rays to find out how close the nerve damage is to the pulp chamber. Often, if you notice that a cavity is close to the pulp, the pulp is already infected. In this case, a root canal will eliminate the pain and remove the infected tissue. If allowed to continue without treatment, tooth infection will progress and the patient may lose the tooth completely. This usually means the need for a dental implant or dental bridge will be needed in the future.

For more information about root canals, or other dental treatments, contact CJ Dentistry today for a consult.

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