How Can the General Denitst in Cherry Hill NJ Treat Your Bruxism

by | Apr 16, 2014 | Dental Services

Bruxism or teeth grinding is a common condition among people of all ages. When you grind your teeth, you typically do it while you are asleep and unaware. Many people are surprised to hear their General Dentist in Cherry Hill NJ tell them they grind their teeth. Since this condition can cause massive damage to the teeth, it is imperative it is treated as soon as possible, to avoid the teeth being worn down so far you need restorative treatments.

What Causes Bruxism?

Though there is no known direct cause, many dentists have found bruxism to be more common in people suffering with:

  • Tension and stress
  • Anger issues or suppressed anger
  • Hyperactivity or type A personalities
  • Abnormalities in the alignment of the upper and lower teeth
  • Sleep issues
  • Ear pain or teething (in children)
  • A side effect of some types of medications, typically anti-depressants

To treat your bruxism issues and protect your teeth from damage, the General Dentist in Cherry Hill NJ will create a special mouth guard for you to wear while you sleep. This rubbery, soft mouth guard will be created from an impression made of your teeth. This ensures a perfect fit, so the guard does not slip around during the night. Most people find the guard comfortable enough to sleep in, without causing any disturbance to them being able to sleep properly. You will wear this guard through the night and remove it upon waking.

For grinding during the day, the dentist can give you information on relaxation techniques. Learning to relax and unclench your jaw can help with your grinding issues. It is important to have your teeth monitored for signs of damage on a regular basis, so the dentist can do all he or she can, to protect the structural stability of your teeth.

If you are suffering with bruxism or need other types of dental care, visit They will provide you with any type of dental treatment needed, to keep your smile healthy, so you can avoid many of the common dental concerns people face. Contact them today and schedule your appointment.

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