Signs That It’s Time to Call for Furnace Repair Near Lincolnwood

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Heating And Air Conditioning

It’s that time of year again when the temperature starts to drop, and you have to start relying on your furnace to keep your home warm. But what happens when your furnace starts acting up? How can you tell if it’s time to call for furnace repair near Lincolnwood? Here are a few signs that your furnace is due for a tune-up.

Your Furnace Is Making Strange Noises

If your furnace starts making squeaking, banging, or rattling noises, it’s time to call for repairs. These sounds can indicate that there are loose parts in your furnace that need to be tightened or replaced.

Your Energy Bills Are Going Up

If you notice that your energy bills are gradually increasing, even though your furnace usage hasn’t changed, it could be a sign that your furnace is losing efficiency and needs to be serviced.

There’s Yellow or Orange Flame Instead of Blue

A healthy furnace will have a blue flame. If you see a yellow or orange flame, it means that your furnace is not burning fuel correctly, which could be the result of a dirty burner assembly. This is a potentially dangerous problem that should be addressed by a professional as soon as possible.

Your Home Is Not Staying Warm

If you’ve noticed that your furnace is running more often, but your home isn’t staying as warm as it should, it’s time to call for repairs. This could be a sign of a variety of issues, from a clogged air filter to a cracked heat exchanger.

By keeping an eye out for these signs, you can ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and safely all winter long. If you suspect that your furnace needs repairs, contact no more than Elite HVACS Heating & Air. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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