The Best Dentures in Locust Valley, NY

by | Jan 6, 2014 | Dentistry

A beautiful smile gives people the impression of energy, good health, and happiness. A common procedure to restore missing teeth is the implementation of dentures. Dentures are designed to help replace teeth that have been lost due to injury, accident, congenital conditions, or disease. Sometimes called false teeth, dentures are replicated teeth that are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the mouth. Most dentures are removable, but there are many different designs. Some of them clasp onto original teeth, or onto dental implants, and others require permanent bonding.

Studies show that people place a high value on an attractive smile, and dentures are an affordable way to achieve it. Dentists that offer professionally designed dentures in Locust Valley, NY can provide options for patients who have lost some, or all, of their teeth. Physically, dentures help improve a person’s ability to chew and swallow their food. Because teeth are also used to enable someone to speak, when missing teeth are replaced, a person is better able to form and pronounce their words. Dentures give the smile a more natural appearance in the face by supporting the lips and cheeks. By improving a patient’s facial appearance, dentures help to provide a person with more confidence to interact socially.

Depending on a person’s needs, partial dentures may be the answer for someone who is missing only some of their teeth, or teeth on a particular arch. Partial dentures can be removable or fixed. Fixed partial dentures are fitted onto remaining teeth and are made from material that will resemble the teeth that are missing. This type of denture is called a bridge or crown. Dental professionals who are skilled and experienced in the proper design and building of dentures for the patient can provide personalized Dentures in Locust Valley, NY.

To decide if dentures are the right treatment to improve a person’s smile, a dentist who offers cosmetic dentistry treatments can provide an evaluation of the client’s oral condition. Professional cosmetic dentists offer Dentures in Locust Valley, NY. To determine if partial or full dentures are appropriate for you, contact Locust Valley Dental Group to answer any questions regarding the process.


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