Tips for Maintaining Propane Gas Tanks in Columbia, TN

If you rely on your propane tank as a consistent source of fuel and energy, it is important that you maintain its condition in order ensure its long-term reliability. You and your family’s safety also rest greatly on ensuring that your propane tank is always in the best condition. Even though they are solid and can withstand tremendous wear and tear, it is important to utilize the following tips to maintain your Propane Gas Tanks in Columbia, TN properly.

Check Safety Valves – The safety valve is one of the most important parts of your propane system that relieves excess pressure that builds up in the tank. If pressure builds up too much, the valve ensures that the tank does not explode. Always check the safety valves on your propane tanks to ensure that they are working properly. Protect your valves from tampering and any other effects that can damage their functionality and dependability.

Check The Tank Exterior – Propane tanks are some of the most durable tanks available. However, because they sit outside of your home and endure constant exposure to the elements they are prone to long-term deterioration. Always examine the exterior of your tank regularly for signs of damage such a rust, surface bubbles, loose bolts, and worn seams. These symptoms quickly lead to problems like leaks and if repairs do not happen quickly can result in an entire tank replacement becoming necessary.

Secure Tank Bases Properly – Residential propane tanks typically rest on legs bolted down to a concrete base, which provides stability and extra safety. Always ensure that the bolts that secure the tank are intact to prevent unnecessary movement, especially in the event of high winds or flooding. If the bolts become worn and loose, replace them immediately.

Ensure Gauges Work Properly – Gauges let you easily determine how much propane is present inside the tank. It is important to ensure that your gauges work properly so that you do not overfill the tank and that you are aware of when it needs refueling.

Use these simple tips to help you maintain your propane tank for the ultimate reliability and safety. If you notice any issues with your tank after inspection, Contact Chiles Propane to repair the problem quickly and efficiently to maintain the integrity and lifespan of your propane storage and delivery system.