When the Weather is Steamy and the A/C Quits, Call for Expert Air Conditioner Repair in Wichita Kansas

by | May 19, 2014 | Heating And Air Conditioning

It’s pretty easy to figure out when your air conditioner needs to be repaired. Or is it? Perhaps you left for work and everything was fine, but when you got home the a/c wasn’t working at all. Perhaps the house just isn’t as cool as it used to be. What could be the problem?

* The first thing to check is power. Did the circuit breaker get tripped? Is there a blown fuse?

* If there is power, check the thermostat. Did it somehow (kids? spouse?) get set too high? Turn it a few degrees lower.

* Take a walk outside to listen to the condensing unit. If you hear a humming sound, but the fan is not running, the capacitor might be the problem. The capacitor is there to give a boost to the fan motor.

* If whistling or clunking noises can be heard, that is not a good sign. A professional should be called to diagnose the problem.

* How long has it been since the filter was changed? If you can’t remember, it’s definitely time to change it. Buy as many as you expect to use for the year and mark on the calendar when they should be changed. The goal is to keep the a/c unit running as efficiently as possible and that can’t happen if the filter is clogged up.

* Is water leaking from an indoor a/c unit? The coil might be frozen with ice and the unit is low on freon. Other possibilities are a plugged drain line or a dirty evaporator coil.

Kelley and Dawson Service has been providing Heating and Air Conditioner Repair in Wichita Kansas for over 50 years. Through the years, they have learned that the only way to hold onto existing customers and to get new ones it to always provide outstanding customer service at a fair price. Whether it’s a heating or air conditioning problem, when the techs pull into the driveway, they’re ready to fix the problem and have the tools to do it. Roger Lowenstein, the owner, also wants his customers to know that he keeps their safety as a paramount concern. All employees wear uniforms and are background-checked. The company can be reached 24/7.

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