Training Nursing Staff to Help Patients Cope With Emotional Health Issues

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Health

The last few years have been emotionally trying for everyone. Nursing and medical staff have had to contest with more death than a triage soldier on the battelfield, and people who have lost loved ones or who have been socially isolated are not coping well. There is something you can do for both your staff and your patients, however. Mental health first aid training can really make a difference in a lot of lives. Here’s what mental health first aid training can do.

Staff Learn How to Heal and Help Themselves Emotionally

The demands of their jobs typically don’t leave staff time to seek out professional help when they need it. Training them in mental health first aid helps staff recognize warning signs and teaches them healthier coping mechanisms. When most of the staff have received the same training, then everyone can be the help to each other at critical moments.

Patients Are Identified as “at Risk” for Emotional Health Problems

Too often patients or family members of patients are left unnoticed and floundering while staff try to cope. This training teaches staff how to stop and examine the situation with individuals to determine if patients or family members might be at risk for self-harm or a break from mental health. Then staff can take techniques they have learned in the training and attempt to help those who probably need the help in the worst possible way. By providing emotional support at critical times, everyone can prevent unfortunate events from occurring.

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