Water Damage Services to Restore Expensive Carpet in Chesapeake, VA

by | Mar 7, 2014 | Banners

Carpet is a very popular type of flooring material and in addition, carpet can also be extremely expensive. Some people love the feel of a plush high pile carpet and for these types of materials, people are going to pay a considerable amount of money. This makes things all the more discouraging if you’ve invested a great deal of money on carpets and your home is subject to a flood. You may consider that your expensive carpeting materials are damaged beyond repair, but you might not want to give up so quickly. Fortunately, specialists that handle water damage in Chesapeake, VA can do some amazing things to restore your water damaged carpet.

There’s a few different approaches that a water damage company will take when restoring carpets. The first thing is to extract as much water as possible. If it’s a plumbing leak, you will probably only be dealing with excess moisture. If it’s flood that comes from inclement weather, you may be dealing with a lot of dirt, mud and sediment. Regardless, with advanced carpet cleaning methods, even carpet that is completely covered in mud and muck can still be cleaned.

Once the carpet has been cleaned, the carpet will need to be properly dried. This doesn’t only include the surface of the carpet but underneath the carpet as well. This includes the floor or subfloor that is being used, the carpet padding as well as the carpet backing. With special moisture extractors and blower fans, your carpet can be lifted up in certain areas, exposed to heat, moisture extraction and constant circulating air and this can effectively dry out carpets. This process may take some time as thick materials such as carpet padding and high pile carpet will lock in moisture for an extended period of time, but if you’re patient enough, water restoration experts can restore carpets that you thought were a total loss.

There are other issues that need to be addressed if your home has been subject to a flood, but this is just one example of the expert services provided by companies that specialize in water damage in Chesapeake, VA. Whether it’s repairing the walls of the home that have been damaged from flood waters or whether it’s restoring expensive high pile carpet, these water damage companies are an excellent resource to have should an incursion of water take place at your home.

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