What to Expect from Police Indemnity in Philadelphia

by | Dec 15, 2022 | Insurance

Many municipalities require police officers to carry indemnity insurance, as it helps mitigate the financial strains that result from litigation, allowing officers and departments to focus on community safety This coverage provides resources to officers to address any incidents that arise from the job and allows them to focus on providing protection to their community. When looking for coverage, you should consider the following details as you compare plans:

Covered Events

Officers should always be aware of what actions are covered by police indemnity in Philadelphia. While officers are expected to maintain a high standard of ethics, problems can arise, and an unintended situation can occur. Police indemnity covers wrongful arrests, excessive use of force, improper use of firearms and other equipment, and more. Always know what your policy covers.


Premiums for police indemnity in Philadelphia vary just like any other insurance type. Your premium will be based on your past actions, allegations against you, and performance. Many officers can expect low costs for excellent coverage, but you will face higher premiums should your history include numerous negative incidents. Premiums reflect the amount of risk an officer’s behavior creates.


The benefits of police indemnity in Philadelphia have their limits. While most benefit limits provide enough coverage to give officers peace of mind, pay close attention to the cap on your policy when purchasing. You should talk to an agent about additional coverage should you feel the limits are too low.

If you’re looking for quality coverage for police indemnity in Philadelphia, visit the Hilb Group to learn about their options.

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